
Day: October 19, 2023

Don’t Make These Risky Office Cleaning Mistakes

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    Have you ever wondered what it feels like to have a messy office desk? Well, you don’t want to have a messy office desk. Imagine pills of papers and folders and trash everywhere, making you not have any space for you to write on.

    Do's Don't

    Imagine having this as an office desk; we can assure you that you will be getting work done way slower. With this many piles of dust and trash on your desk, it’ll be more tedious, if anything, which is why JoncoWest is here to provide you with some of the best advice when it comes to office cleaning. 

    One of our services included at JoncoWest is Office Cleaning, and offices range from Corporate Offices, Banks and Financial Institutions, Medical Offices, Schools, and Universities. With over 40 years of experience, we have encountered messy offices before, and no work is hard for Joncowest, so continue to read along to hear our expertise on Risky Office Cleaning Mistakes.

    Read along to find out what not to do when cleaning your office.

    According to Harvard Business Review, in their article Work Spaces That Moves People, states that “Recognize office space as not just an amortized asset but a strategic tool for growth.” Being more organized will help you be more organized in your personal life.

    By following these Do’s and Don’ts, you’ll be very organized and alert when it comes to your office space. If you need any help with cleaning your office space, call JoncoWest. Or, if your office looks anything like the picture above, JoncoWest is here to help. 


    • Everyday Jobs
    • Replace the rubbish bags and empty the containers.
    • Tangles and vacuum covers.
    • Vacuum or sweep surfaces with hard floors.
    • Dust work spaces, chairs, tables, and computers, as well as other office furniture and equipment.
    • Scrub down even surfaces with a moistened cloth.
    • Use disinfectant cleansers to mop the hard flooring.

    The Advantages and Significance of Office Cleaning. According to a recent research, office cleanliness matters because happy employees work in cleaner environments. In addition to improving morale and productivity, a clean workplace makes it safer for workers to do their jobs.

    Offices usually have daily cleaning checklists that include sweeping, mopping, dusting, emptying trash, and kitchen areas. Additionally, it is essential to use disinfectants to sterilize high-touch areas including light switches, elevator buttons, handrails, and door knobs.